Elev8 is a Baton Rouge Rehab Center dedicated to treating patients who are battling drug and alcohol addiction. Our goal is to guide you in your steps towards recovery and help you achieve and maintain sobriety.
We’re a treatment center based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and we provide treatment of addiction disorders and behavioral illnesses in adults. Medically-assisted detox is also offered to ensure the safety and well-being of our clients who are coming off of drugs or alcohol.
Our intensive drug and alcohol rehab program provides our clients with a safe, comfortable, and understanding environment. They will have access to valuable Baton Rouge rehab resources to help aid in their recovery, including in-house treatment, along with group and one-on-one individualized therapy at one of the top rehab centers in Baton Rouge.
We use a combination of spiritual and psychological treatment methods along with following the 12-step recovery process. This will help our clients attack the root of what is causing their substance abuse problems.
Addiction is usually the result of trauma, and if we can help you recognize, identify and address that trauma, you will then have the opportunity to heal, overcome your addiction, and start your journey towards recovering and living a fulfilling life.
In today’s day and age, the scar that addiction has left upon society is apparent across all walks of life. Today, it is impossible to meet one person who has not been affected by drug and alcohol addiction in some shape or form.
Drug and alcohol addiction in Louisiana, and across the United States is only growing. Drug overdose deaths are growing at an alarming rate with the introduction of powerful synthetic opioids like fentanyl.
Drug Addiction Treatment
Today, using street drugs is gambling with your life. It is not just opioids that are being laced with fentanyl, other drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine are also being contaminated with toxic synthetic opioids. For a drug user nowadays, each dose could easily be their last. For this reason, it is important to get treatment at Baton Rouge rehab centers as soon as possible.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol addiction in Louisiana and the United States is also growing at an alarming rate. Those addicted to alcohol are perhaps the hardest to treat due to the fact that alcohol is so widely available and accepted by society. Recovering alcoholics struggle with more triggers on average than recovering drug addicts. Therefore, it is important for recovering alcoholics to visit Baton Rouge rehab centers and develop skills on how to properly deal with triggers that will inevitably come up in their day-to-day sober lives.
Medically-Assisted Drug & Alcohol Detox Services
At Elev8 Treatment & Legacy Center we have a full medical drug and alcohol detox team. Our medical team can help you or your loved one safely detox from drugs or alcohol with a fully customized plan unique to each addict and their specific circumstances. The detox process is intended to safely bring the addict to a point where they can start the recovery process, whilst keeping them as comfortable as possible, therefore lowering relapse and increasing recovery success rates.
Alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal are often life-threatening and require a medical evaluation to determine if medication-assisted detox is required. Our medical team at the Elev8 Baton Rouge Rehab Outpatient Addiction Treatment Center can do this evaluation free of charge. Please contact us to learn more.
Opioids are perhaps the hardest drugs to withdraw from due to their difficult withdrawal effects. Medications can sometimes assist in reducing these withdrawal effects, therefore improving the odds of recovery for the patient. Learn more by contacting our detox team in Baton Rouge.
Elev8 Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Program
At Elev8 we believe strongly in fellowship and group therapy as a core treatment approach. Our program follows the 12-step approach.
We believe to get well and stay well, there needs to be some spiritual involvement – or at least a belief that there are things outside of the addicts’ control.
When we try to control our environment rather than looking inside, we get into trouble. All that we can control is our reactions and our attachments to outcomes.
The 12-step program incorporates surrender, connections, and forgiveness which is at the core of most spiritual practices.
Elev8 Treatment & Legacy Center is a fully licensed medical detox and addictions treatment facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. We work hard every day to be one of the best rehab centers in Baton Rouge. We accept Medicaid and most private insurance providers.
What Our Patients Are Saying - Baton Rouge Rehab Center
"Great people with a passion for helping addicts." Tara Beaudeaux, Facebook Recommendation
"Owned and operated by two great people who are in a desperate search on how to help every addict they come in contact with not with only substance abuse but in living their new life" Chris Jewell, Facebook Recommendation
“I was a severe heroin addict for six years. I’ve done multiple years in the penitentiary. I’ve neglected my kids. I’ve been a horrible brother. I’ve been a horrible son. I’ve had six suicide attempts. I’ve had five overdoses. My latest suicide attempt was on April 11, 2019. Two days later, after making a covenant with God, the doors of a treatment facility were open to me and I haven’t looked back since. Since elevate has opened, it’s only grown me more spiritually than ever before.” Ronnie LeDuff